Do You Want Your Friends GUSHING Over Your Stunning Refinished Wooden Floors, Without Spending A Fortune On A Professional?
As a homeowner faced with the task of bringing your wood floors back to life, it can be a very difficult decision whether or not fork out the money and hire a professional or roll up your sleeves and DO IT YOURSELF!
Is it going to look good enough when you’re done?
How can you be certain that you aren’t going to ruin your floors and end up REPLACING THE WHOLE LOT?
The decision can paralyze you!
Don’t Make The Mistake So Many Others Make!
Unfortunately, looking to the internet to get handy tips and tricks may lead you down the wrong path. It can very easily lead you to waste time and money or even cause you to give up in frustration.
I cannot tell you how many websites I have found giving inaccurate or outright destructive information. It is incredible how many people sand their floor once, then write a “How-To,” claiming to be a guru.
While their before and after photos look terrible.
Being a floor sanding professional can easily lead you to believe that floor sanding shouldn’t be undertaken by amateurs. And believe me, most professional floor refinishers are not shy in saying it! But they really do believe that, and so did I.
I have seen floors sanded by amateurs many, many times. Let me tell you, I have seen some horrific work.
Just over 2 years ago, I had a friend that wanted to sand his own floors. He was a long-distance from me so, lending a hand was out of the question. I spoke with him for no more than 30 mins on the phone, I told him what machines to hire, what to look for while doing the job and methods of using the tools.
A week later he sent me photographs of his floor and I was shocked!
I never had any faith that amateurs could do a good job, but what I eventually found, is that after giving people advice on the task of floor sanding, for a mere 30 minutes, gave them
…to do an absolutely fantastic job, by anyones standards.
You can quite easily tell the difference between those who were in-the-know and those who weren’t. Unfortunately you can only tell this after the fact.
Pareto’s Principle states that roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. I can verify, that rule remains true here.
Just that slight boost in knowledge, can lead to dramatic differences in the quality of the finish.
You see, resanding and refinishing isn’t just about improving the floor. It’s about changing one’s entire house, an ascension on the family lifestyle ladder.
As home improvements go, refinished floors make that big impact like nothing else. They’re unparalleled as an upgrade.
Hiring A Pro May Not Guarantee You A Good Finish!
I have seen some of my competitors consistently produce worse work than any DIY job I have seen. Luckily very few pro’s are like this, but how can you know whether the guy you’re hiring is the right one?
Did you know that resanding creates more attractive hardwood floors than new installations could ever hope to achieve?
I should know, I did both types of jobs for 10 years. Though more than 95% were resands and refinishes, because it was so much more sensible for the homeowner.
- Given time to settle, older wood just looks better after being sanded, smoothed, and finished with a nice coat of lacquer. These days the flooring you buy comes from fast-grow farms where nature doesn’t have the time to produce the stunning grains you find with older flooring.
- In terms of quality, hardness, and durability, older wood also has the upper hand. The difference comes down to how the trees were grown. Back when we still had substantial forest land, wood mills would chop down 80-year-old trees that were slow grown, and had a durability to them that you don’t see anymore.
Nowadays those same wood-harvested trees are grown through genetically modified seeds, taking years instead of decades to reach maturity. That fast growth speed shows in the lackluster wood that they produce.
You Don’t Have To Pay Thousands Of Dollars For Such A Quick, Simple, Easy DIY Job
Yes, when you’re replacing the plumbing and electrics, best to call an expert.
But your floors? This isn’t rocket science my friend!
With just a couple hundred dollars for equipment rental, more for the materials, and an honest desire to do something meaningful with your hands, I guarantee you could do this job better than any expert. It’s your home, and no one cares about your house as much as you do.
Frankly when you’re paying a fixed-price job, people want to get it done quick and get paid. Not an issue at all when you do it yourself.
Average job price my crew charged? $4,500 for a resand/refinish.
And even that looks cheap compared to the $12,000 average my installer buddy charged for fresh installs.
These figures assume your run-of-the-mill, three bedroom, two bath house. Expect to pay proportionally more for extra rooms.
This is exactly why you don’t see real estate agents recommending upgrading the floors prior to a sale – it’s so darn expensive it’s not worth it! But when you do it yourself, all that extra cash go straight into your pocket.
Even if you don’t sell, the cash is still accessible to you. Next time you’re looking to refinance some money, your appraiser is going to give you a higher price for the upgrade due to the improvement.
The Step By Step Floor Sanding Process For EVERYONE
In my low-cost guide, I’m going to walk you through the entire process of sanding a floor. We go from the very basics prep stages all the way to putting the finishing touches on the floor to give it that extra “wow” factor that woos guests and family members alike.
In the sanding section of my guide, you’re going to learn the basics of how to use a good-quality floor sander. No, you don’t need to buy one, they can be cheaply rented at any local hardware store that does rentals. You can call in advance to find them, they’re everywhere.
- Once you’ve gotten the heavy duty sanding work out of the way, I’ll show you how to fill all the gaps before moving on to finishing sanding, which will prime the floor for a beautiful coat of lacquer.
- Lacquering is what gives the traditional wooden floor a modern upscale look. And to go one step further, I’m going to teach you some other techniques that involve staining and even colored finishes to really take your floor to the next level. Wives especially tend to love this step because of the vast array of look and style options available for them to choose (hopefully with your input as well!).
- No matter what type of wooden floor you have, my guide covers it. There’s many types of woods out there, and they absolutely do need to be treated slightly differently. You’re going to get that information when you pick up my guide.
What others are saying…
BUY TODAY and You Get The New Video Course Absolutely Free! (est. Value $200!)
I am proud to anounce that I have finally, finally, FINALLY produced a video course. I have to admit I did get some emails, telling me that I should do a video course, because people dont want to read about floor sanding they want to watch it! Of course they do.. So I decided to rent a cabin in a farm, and lay a reclaimed oak floor, the roughest of which I have ever seen to be honest, cost me a lot of money too. I rented the sanding machines and I did as a DIY’er at home would do it. The rental place was even limited on abrasives, so I had to find work arounds which I explain in the videos. The videos include…
- Complete Sanding and Refinishing Video Course
- 2 Hours, 12 Minutes and 3 Seconds of Video Content
- Demonstration Using Rental Tools
- In Depth Discussion on Tips and Tricks
- Water Popping
- Staining
- Criss Cross Sanding Method Demonstrated
- In depth filling knowledge and demonstration
- Tack Mopping
- Dealing With Very Uneven Floors
- And as always, my bullet proof 100% Money Back Guarantee
Pick Up “The Complete Guide to Sanding and Refinishing Wooden Floors” For Our Pre-Licensing Price And Save A Bundle
So What’s It Worth?
I have taken 2 courses with the major manufacturers in the industry.
The first, a floor sanding course which was just 2 of us and the teacher, was $1000
And the finishing (lacquering) course in which I was in a room of 30 people, that was $200
These courses were being taught by people who rarely (if ever) actually sand floors themselves.
They have advice that sounds nice and easy, but they don’t encounter the problems that
professional floor refinishers like me encounter every day.
So how much do I charge for giving away my craft… My Trade Secrets?
This eBook is normally valued at $97 . Which I think you will agree is incredible value, for all the benefits you’ll receive. A perfectly smooth, flat finish, a pocket full of cash and most of all, astonished friends and family.
It also covers every kind of finish there is, like hardwax oils, polyurethane and more. Like I said before the book is normally $97…. And if I were to sell all of this information separately, at an in-person event, I could charge $1200+ (which I am currently looking into doing)
Considering I actually do this every day (and thus, know what I am talking about), I could charge a lot more! You can make a lot of money sanding and refinishing floors… and $2500 is reasonable to buy your way into a new career!
However for the time being there is no in-person course and you don’t have to pay $2500 to get everything you need to know on floor sanding, and you’re not going to pay $1200…
You are not going to pay $299 which is what I was originally going to sell this course for. In fact, by ordering today exclusively from this page you’re not even going to pay the normal price of $97…
To benefit from my 10 years of knowledge you only pay:
$97 $67 $37
Discounted price offer ends in…

- Your home will stand out in the neighborhood, with quality floors that would’ve cost over $4,000 from a professional refinisher. And let’s not even talk about the huge savings against a new install…
- It’s an investment. You’re going to raise the value of your home in a big way. Not by throwing money at it, but by putting some good old-fashioned work into it!
- Save $50-$100 right from the get-go. Most people who start a resanding/refinishing job don’t have a plan in place before they put down good money to rent the equipment. It’s no surprise they spent more in rental fees than they need to. Use the carefully laid out action plan in my guide to shave a day or two off your project, and save yourself the cost of my book several times over! Or your money back!!
100% Moneyback Guarantee
I’ve been in this business for a long time and know what makes people fall in love with their new floors. As my promise to you, my guide will teach you the same techniques I’ve used to help you achieve those same stunning results in your own home while saving money.
My Triple Moneyback Guarantee: Please accept my 100% moneyback guarantee as good faith that I stand behind my word.
- If I fail to deliver on this promises of an excellent floor for your home AND saving time and money.
- If you don’t like the layout of the book
- Even if you just don’t like my accent! Get in contact to request your money back in full – no questions asked.
PS: A note from the owner
As a professional floor refinisher for almost a decade, I can tell you that new homeowners are always wowed by the end result of a resanded and refinished floor. Admittedly they were less impressed by my bill, but us floor refinishers have to make money, and we sure charge for it!
On the other hand, you can save yourself over $4,000 (on average) and have a great home improvement project on your hands with this easy-to-follow $37 book. If you been thinking about it, give it a try. You got nothing to lose, and a beautiful new polished wood floor to enjoy!
PPS: The cost of an extra day’s rental equipment will run you $50 to $100 per day. My comprehensive resanding/refinishing guide easily helps you shave 1 to 2 days or more off your sanding project. That means you’ll save money and get a better outcome in the process – a total no-brainer. Do your project the smart way — pick up my guide today to learn how!
Cheers to your beautiful new floors,
Benjamin Osborne,
Professional floor refinisher